
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Introducing the CSU Independent Observer

The CSU Independent Observer is an experiment in microjournalism with a macro lense
{The materials previously published during litigation have moved: ... Cici Mattiuzzi v. CSUS ... Emir Macari v. Paul Mattiuzzi ... or links on right}
It is an "experiment" in the sense that it may or may not develop a readership and I do not know when or how often I might publish.

My first objective is to free up the url "pgm8693" and to disentangle it from the troubles at CSU Sacramento.

My second objective is to archive the extensive materials I produced and published on the complex litigation that has just ended (Cici Mattiuzzi v. CSUS and Emir Macari v. Paul Mattiuzzi).  I believe the cases should be studied.

The third objective is to publish the public record on a few other legal cases now pending and a few others that have settled in the past.  Nothing is learned if the record is scattered and inaccessible.

My fourth objective is to maintain a publishing platform.
My observation is that the CSU operates too much in the shadows. There is no persistent oversight from the Fourth Estate (aka: mainstream media "MSMs") or from the Fifth Estate (web-enabled, independent desktop publishing).
Too many events that should be openly discussed are dismissed with a wave by a campus or CSU press advisor: "we take these matters seriously."  
The CSU Presidents speak with great authority, and have the ability to do so in the manner of the Wizard of Oz.  It appears to me that the metaphor has often applied. 
I assume that there are individuals or groups within or across the 23 campuses who have something to say.  I know that there are people who have ideas and concerns. I know that there are issues that should be discussed.
I know that there are people who would like to have their voice heard. I know that there are many people who have tried to speak and were not heard.
I have the ability to publish short or long form articles and documents.
If anyone cares to write or wishes to publish something, this is an available platform (subject to the publication's editorial standards - all comments are subject to moderation, no content will be published without editorial review)
My fifth objective is to maintain a publishing platform for my own thoughts about the CSU and CSU Sacramento.   There is more that I intend to write and I still have additional comments.